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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Book You Love

I love reading. I wish I did it more, but there always seems to be something more important to do . . . knit a mermaid tail . . . update my scripts . . . re-watch Sports Night for the 50th time. I haven't been sucked into a story in a really long time. Too long, really.

My favorite book series is by Megan McCafferty, and there is a new one out, which I can't wait to download on my Nook. Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charming Thirds, Fourth Comings, Perfect Fifths -- a great story that starts as the diary of Jessica Darling,  a snarky 16 year old who hates her friends. It follows through till she's about 28, where she is reunited with her first love, yada, yada, yada. Great stuff. The new book is a prequel, starting when she is 11 or 13 or some such craziness. I think I may re-read them all again, to prepare myself for the prequel. Again, if I could find the time to read. But lately, I've been falling in love with a different book.

The one audio book I have ever purchased. The only audio book on my iPod, and when its on shuffle, I jump around to different parts of the story. The first time through, I followed it chronologically, but every chapter, if you know the basics of the story, can stand on its own.

Love is A Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield tells his true story of a shy guy from Boston who goes down south for grad school and meets this crazy girl with wild hair and a wild spirit. They're both obsessed with music and are rock writers when they're not working their crappy day jobs. They fall in love, get married and start their lives together. And not to spoil the story, but he'll tell you in the first five minutes, she dies.

So, really, its about the two of them falling in love, making a life, losing a life and him learning how to move on. And its all peppered with that love of music that brought them together. They would always make mix tapes for each other, were constantly tripping on the little plastic cases. So, Rob uses all these tapes to tell the story. And he lists the songs. All of them.

One day, maybe one day soon, I am going to make a gift pack for someone; the audio book as well as a compilation of all the songs he mentions. woo, project!!


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