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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Let's Call This "Not Good At Follow Through"

I haven't blogged in 6 years? Really? Wonder why . . .

Right, 'cuz I never know what to write. So, I found this thing, as I was searching for 30-day challenges, thinking I would find something akin to the 30 Day Squat Challenge I started for my November Roller Derby Goal. Instead, I found this.

So here goes. Day 1.

5 Ways to Win Your Heart

1. Make it very clear to me that you are interested in winning it. I am the very worst at picking up on subtle clues. If you read my previous posts (yeah, the ones from 6 years ago) you'll see an account of my first and only attempt/fumbling toward a romantic life. The phrase "I like you" will go a long way toward that whole heart-winning thing.  But never the phrase "I have feelings for you." Ugh, I'm likely to slap you in the mouth.

2. Ask me questions. I'm not one to volunteer information, so getting to know me is hard work. I could probably function pretty well not letting too many people into my head; so if you want to be there, you have to ask.

3. Make me things, don't buy me things. Putting effort into figuring out what I like and creating something is much better than if you buy me flowers; which i hate, or chocolate; which i won't eat.  If I am trying to win your heart, I will do the same thing. I'll likely make you a mix tape.

4. Hug me. A lot. Somehow, I put out a "don't touch me" vibe, but it is entirely unintentional. I would love nothing more than to feel like you want me to feel safe and secure.

5. Woo me. Just put some effort into it. Make me feel special. That's really all I want. Why is that so crazy?

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